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Nepal is one of the poorer countries with 40% of the people lives under the poverty line. Most of them work over 12 hours a day yet make less than a dollar. The Andy Reading Fund, joined by volunteers from all around the world holds an annual mission trip to interview and sponsor students in poverty, provide educational materials,

Andy Reading Fund Nepal Mission Trip

Andy Reading Fund Nepal Mission Trip

Part l


7名义工背负着超过200公斤的教科书,以及50套学习用品徒步登山前往bachchua lower secondary school. 这所学校里,每个班级只有1,2本教科书,没有电,厕所全部是旱厕,有的孩子们连鞋都没有。学校给志愿者们最好的招待就是两瓶不是很凉的大号雪碧。我已经觉得这里的条件极其艰苦了,然而尼泊尔领队告诉我,这个学校在当地已经算可以的了。在更偏远的地方,孩子们需要走一个多小时的山路上学。 

7 Volunteers carrying more than 200 kilograms of textbooks and 50 sets of school supplies hiked to the bachchua lower secondary school. In this school, each class has only one or two textbooks, no electricity, and all toilets are dry toilets, some children don't even have shoes. The best hospitality the school gave volunteers was two bottles of large sprites that were not very cold. I already feel that the conditions here are extremely difficult, but the Nepalese team leader told me that this school is already considered acceptable locally. In more remote places, children need to walk more than an hour on the mountain road to learn.


Part lI

在驱车4小时后,读书基金来到了Bagmati 村,在为当地学生带去了图书以及学习用品后,尼泊尔主席Biju带领当地孩子做游戏,学英语,尼泊尔,我们在行动!


Mission Nepal Part II

After 4 hours of traveling, Biju led the reading team to the school in Bagmati. We were shocked by the fact that there is no electricity in the classroom. The students were so excited to receive their educational books and stationaries. The tuition is this school is only $20 per student/ year, yet many students still don’t have the opportunity to receive a proper education.



Part III

在Bagmati村,我们见到了贫困班的28名学生。他们需要走很远的山路上学,读书基金为28名经过选拔的优秀贫困生提供了一学期的学费,来帮助他们精进学业。 看到孩子们的笑脸,我们都很受鼓舞。

Mission Nepal Part III

In village Bagmati the reading fund team met with 28 students from mountain regions. They have to walk hours to go to school every day. The reading Fund was able to sponsor 28 underprivileged students to attend school for next semester. This is not a closure but only the beginning of our activities in helping the local kids!




Part IV


Mission Nepal Part IV

In Kathmandu, the reading fund team went to an orphanage. With 17 kids in the institution, we were able to make bracelets together and going to bring some back to Lawrence University as a way for students to connect with the local children. This is the last institution this mission trip includes, but this is only a beginning of our activities to foster the education of rural students around the world! 





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